Google Introduces Google Assistant Voice Match for Some Purchases

Google has been rolling out a new Voice Match setting for voice-enabled purchases of some digital goods. It is available today on Android and even shows up in the Google Assistant app for iOS. Voice Match will enable you to complete purchases using Google Assistant by simply speaking.

Android Police confirmed with Google that Voice Match for purchases is a new feature in pilot mode and in limited availability today:

After you enable the setting, you probably won’t notice anything has changed, even if you try to make a purchase via the Assistant. We’re told that this early pilot is limited to in-app digital purchases through Google Play and restaurant orders for the time being. It doesn’t appear to work in our own tests for things like Google Shopping…Purchases made in this manner are also subject to limits, including a maximum (but undefined and presumably price-based) limit per transaction, and a similarly nebulous number of transactions per day.

Let's hope Voice Match is smart enough than not asking for photo evidence when the purchased digital good is not arrived ?


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