Fifteen-year-old in India cycles 745 miles home with disabled father on bike

Fifteen-year-old in India cycles 745 miles home with disabled father on bike

Jyoti Kumari said she opted for desperate ride from New Delhi to Bihar after rickshaw work ended amid Covid-19 crisis. Rendered jobless and penniless because of the extended COVID-19 lockdown, the 15-year-old was forced to ferry her father who was unable to walk properly after surgery to his left knee following an accident.

“I had no other option” she said. “We wouldn’t have survived if I hadn’t cycled to my village.”

So she decided to buy a bicycle and, as thousands of other Indian migrant workers have done since March, make her way home. Kumari pedalled for 10 days, her father riding on the back of the bike.

Did she receive the 500 Euro ecobonus for the purchase of the bicycle? Or this is only for e-bike and push-scooters?


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